Healthcare App Development: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted by: Rin Truong Comments: 0

New healthcare app development are changing the industry and many in medicine are interested in creating them. Our guide covers types of apps, benefits, development, and potential issues. Keep reading to learn more.

COVID-19 has created opportunities for healthcare apps to offer services. As a business, you need to think about how to keep your employees safe, cover expenses, and be socially responsible. After the pandemic, businesses need to set up corporate boards to address these concerns.

Research shows that many people will continue to use telehealth. There is also a high demand for medicine delivery, healthcare tracking, and telemedicine. Healthcare apps are becoming more popular and can help improve people’s health through mobile or web applications.

Using technology and mobile apps can greatly improve patient care. The global digital health market is expected to reach almost 190 billion U.S. dollars by 2025. Let’s take a closer look at healthcare app and how to build successful ones.

What are Healthcare Apps?

The smartphone revolution has led to increased innovation worldwide, benefiting various sectors and creating new opportunities in many industries. In the field of healthcare, there are specific smartphone applications designed to help people manage their health and wellness. 

These apps offer services such as appointment scheduling, access to medical records, symptom tracking, and health monitoring. They can be used by both patients and healthcare professionals to improve healthcare management. 

The use of healthcare apps is growing, as they allow for remote monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses. If you’re interested in learning more about virtual health and its future, read our article for a detailed insight. 

It’s important for healthcare app development to not only be useful but also user-friendly, as users from all backgrounds may not have technical expertise. A good user interface is crucial for making users comfortable and should be a priority when developing a healthcare app.

Must-Have Features for Healthcare App Development

1. Profiles of doctors and patients are organized.

2. Healthcare apps can be integrated with Google Fit, Health Kit, and Samsung Health.

3. Telemedicine options are available.

4. Notifications and reminders can be set.

These are important features to consider when developing a healthcare mobile app. If you want to learn more about why telehealth is necessary in the field of health IT, read our blog for more information. Now, let’s move on to another important aspect.


Types of Healthcare Apps

The pandemic has led to the development of healthcare apps. India expects a 31% growth in the telemedicine market from 2020 to 2025, according to a report by Statista. This shows the increasing demand.

Healthcare app development involves creating apps that allow users to monitor and manage their health and wellness in real-time.

When searching for healthcare app development, it is important to understand the different categories to differentiate between the apps. Now, let’s explore the various types of healthcare apps.

  1. Healthcare apps for patients are designed to help individuals with various conditions keep track of their health, medications, symptoms, and other important information. These apps may also provide educational content and symptom checklists.
  1. Healthcare apps for providers aim to improve efficiency in their work. These apps assist in managing clinical reports, accessing patient information, and enhancing workflow.
  1. Healthcare apps for medical administration staff, including doctors and nurses, offer features like virtual whiteboards and digital patient records. These tools facilitate communication with colleagues and provide quick access to vital patient data, saving time and streamlining billing procedures and other tasks.

STDIO, a healthcare app development company, can assist in creating apps for practice management, inventory management, billing, and connecting doctors and nurses.

  1. mHealth applications are designed to improve medical access and care for patients. They also aim to simplify healthcare professionals’ work.

When developing a healthcare app, it is important to consider whether it will be for iOS or Android platforms.

Advantages of Healthcare Apps

Healthcare apps became popular because they help patients and doctors. Making custom healthcare apps has many benefits for regular people and professionals, and it helps the healthcare industry. Here are some benefits for different users: regular people and medical professionals.

Advantages of Medical App for Healthcare Experts

Creating a healthcare app costs a lot of money and takes a long time. But it’s worth it for investors because:

  • Quick Decision Making – When doctors can quickly access patient medical records through a medical app, they can make prescriptions and decisions faster.
  • Accurate Diagnosis – The best healthcare apps lead to precise diagnosis, which means better treatment plans, effective results, and timely healthcare delivery.
  • Improved Patient Monitoring – Custom healthcare apps allow healthcare providers to access patient data, monitor their health in real time, and make informed decisions.
  • Enhanced Communication – Various healthcare app platforms help doctors connect remotely, improving communication for important discussions and consultations.
  • Lower Healthcare Costs – With all these benefits, the overall cost of healthcare is reduced.

Advantages of Healthcare App for Regular Users

The healthcare app allows users to have more control over their medical care in their digital healthcare space. Now, let’s explore the advantages of healthcare apps for regular users.

  • Great Care – The healthcare app offers automation options to provide users with personalized healthcare plans and solutions that meet their specific needs.
  • Convenient Health Data – The mobile healthcare app development stores all medical reports, allowing users to easily monitor their health.
  • Safe Payments – Healthcare apps ensure secure payments by accepting in-app payments through secure and safe credit cards. Additionally, blockchain technology can be used for secure transactions.

Healthcare apps help people manage their health and treatment. They give users more power over their medical conditions. When making a healthcare app, it’s important to think about certain factors and features. If you want to know more about why telehealth is important, read our blog. Now, let’s talk about something else important.

Next-Gen Healthcare App Development Features

Wonder what technology drives innovation in medical app development? It’s no surprise that these technologies receive the most funding. By incorporating advanced features into healthcare apps, you can enhance user experience and attract more doctors and patients.

1. AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is becoming more important in medicine. It is changing the healthcare industry. Healthcare software now uses machine learning to help doctors diagnose illnesses early, find patterns in health, and analyze lots of health data. This helps doctors make decisions and change patient care quickly to meet their needs.

AI can be used in healthcare app development for:

– Diagnosis: AI can process lots of medical data and work with doctors to find early and accurate diagnoses.

– Prescription: AI can choose the best medication for a patient.

– Medical Imaging: AI can help doctors analyze complex medical images like X-rays, ultrasounds, and CAT scans. It can also find problems in these images faster than a human.

– Patient Records: AI can analyze lots of patient data from electronic health systems. This helps predict diseases and recommend treatments for patients who might get sick.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain is a secure technology that allows for safe exchange of digital information. In healthcare, it is used to store medical records, enabling easy access and sharing with doctors and caregivers, without security concerns.

3. Real-Time Health Monitoring

Healthcare app development now have a new feature called real-time health monitoring. This means the app can keep track of your vital signs and physical activity all day, every day. It can also suggest lifestyle changes to improve your health.

4. IoT

The Internet of Things is a technology that allows devices to share data and communicate with each other. For example, a healthcare app could be made to monitor the temperature in your fridge, automatically order more milk when it’s running low, and then tell you how much milk to buy based on the number of people in your family who will be drinking it.

If you’re planning to create healthcare apps or already have one and want to make it different from others, what we discussed can help you improve your app.

The healthcare industry is growing quickly, so there’s a lot of room for new ideas in this field. By adding these features to your healthcare app, you can stand out from the competition.

Healthcare App Development – A Step-by-Step Guide

Interested in making a medical app? Ensure a clear plan before starting. Ask yourself: What kind of app? Who will use it? What problems will it solve? How will it differ from others? Once you have answers, follow these steps to build a mobile healthcare app.

1. Analyze the problem: If you want to solve a problem with your app, first analyze the problem. A mobile healthcare app can address problems in three areas: patients, providers, and pharmacies.

2. Identify the platform: For Android, consider Android development and working with Google APIs. For iOS, familiarity with Objective-C and Apple frameworks is important.

3. Pre-Requisites: Before building an app, understand mobile app design patterns and web technologies like HTML and JavaScript.

4. Choose a launch location: If targeting a worldwide market, choose a location like the US or UK with a good user base.

5. Focus on UI/UX: User interface and user experience are important for a healthcare app. Have a good design that satisfies user needs.

6. Hire an app development company: Hiring a reliable company ensures your app has all the necessary features at minimum costs.

7. Create an MVP and validate it: Instead of a complete app, create a minimum viable product that is well-tested and validated before entering the market.

8. Test Your App – It’s important to test your health app to make sure everything works well, like how it looks and how it works.

Testing your telehealth app will save time and money. You can find and fix problems and make your app better.

9. Launch and Track – After testing, you can launch your app and let people use it. You should also track how well your app is doing. You can use tools to see how people use your app and make changes to keep them interested.

These are the steps to make different health apps, like fitness or medical apps. Want to learn more about making mobile apps? Read our blog!

Healthcare Industry Challenges: A Major Cause of Business Failures

Many healthcare providers are hesitant to release healthcare applications despite the growing market. This is because mobile healthcare solutions have not yet made a significant impact on the medical industry and have not replaced traditional healthcare methods worldwide.

There are several factors that have led the healthcare sector to consider going mobile:

1. Lack of attention to detail: The healthcare system is complex and requires a focus on the bigger picture. It is difficult to find time to analyze every detail of a healthcare business when there are so many other aspects demanding attention.

2. Insufficient information: There are numerous mobile applications available worldwide, but stakeholders lack the necessary information to make informed decisions about which ones to use.

3. Increasing demands: Healthcare roles are becoming more stressful and unrewarding. Doctors and healthcare workers are seeking a more holistic approach to their jobs, which includes the use of mobile applications.

4. Mobility is essential: The need for mobility in the healthcare industry is growing rapidly. People want to access healthcare applications outside of traditional office hours.

5. Lack of interoperability: Patients want more control over their health data and treatment plans. Portable health information allows patients and caregivers to easily understand and manage their health issues.

6. Security concerns: Healthcare stakeholders are becoming more aware of the potential threats and dangers associated with using mobile devices for healthcare purposes.

What is the cost of developing a health app?

The cost of creating a health app can differ based on the needs of various healthcare applications. Users have different preferences for features, so the cost of developing a health app will rely on what users want. Contact our experts to receive a free quote if you want to know the estimated price for developing a telemedicine app or fitness app.

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